Life IS…Letting Go.

5/2/11-Life IS…letting go. Life is ‘acquiring…to let go.’ Think about it: from birth through death, we only acquire so that we can let go. You’ve heard of the old ‘negative’ axiom, I hope: “There aren’t any U-haul trucks being towed behind a hearse.” Or the Positive One, “It is more Blessed (‘happy’) to give than to receive.” Life is not only a ‘letting go’ but a ‘letting-go-of’ or a ‘giving-away.’ ‘Less is more’ and ‘more is less’ many times, both in the spiritual and the physical realms (especially in talking and backpacking, I’ve learned!). The sooner we learn this, the freer we’ll be to Live for God and help set others free to do so. In other words, ‘stuff’* simply doesn’t matter, for Relationship IS the ‘True Stuff’ Real, Abundant, even Eternal Life is made of! Everything else really doesn’t matter (except, perhaps for ‘Stewardship Purposes’), as it’s incidental and unimportant, at best, and illusory and destructive, at worst. Jesus help us, then, not to cling so tightly to ‘the stuff’ we acquire but instead to ‘let it go.’ In fact, let’s take it one step further and apply the ol’ ‘Let Go/Let God’ principle each and every day!

*‘stuff’ is not only material, like we think of it in Western World terms, but also includes our work, knowledge, experience, time, talent, pleasures, pursuits, reputation, education, and even our posterity and religion (if not founded in the Faith); really, it encompasses all that is temporal, that is, temporary, or passing away!

About Living Letters Community

Writer-speaker sharing some Inspirations I've received and INJoyed...and want to encourage YOU with.
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1 Response to Life IS…Letting Go.

  1. Lin Wilcox says:

    One of my favorite quotes is in this post. “Have you ever seen a u-haul behind a hearst?” Mine is: I do not want crystal chandeliers, but would like the light bill paid.

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